DMU Students will be provided with a personal Student identification card, which shows their name, photograph and official registration number.

The card remains the property of the University, it must be carried at all times whilst on University premises, and
must be surrendered to any Staff member of the University on request.

The card must not be given to any other Student or individual. Students found in possession of an ID card that does not belong to them, will have both their own card and the card for the other person(s) confiscated and they (and the card owner) could be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

If you have any queries regarding your student card please email or visit the team in the Student Gateway in Gateway House.

When emailing the team please include:
*Your Student (P) Number 
*Your full name 
*Your Date of Birth 


If you lose your student ID card please order a new one at DMU Replacement Student ID Card | De Montfort university when your new card has been issued it will be available to collect from the Student Gateway.

Reactivating your Student Card

With the start of the new academic year, many returning students will have to update their swipe cards before they can access areas equipped with electronic doors (buildings, laboratories etc.).

Please find below some useful information.

1.       Students can update their card at any of the wall-mounted card readers on campus by swiping and holding their card against it until the LED of the reader stops flashing (about 2-3 seconds). Most readers will look like this:

2.       A significant number of these readers (list attached) have been signposted with a large, visible “Update your card here” sign. These were chosen due to their being strategically located in open and/or easily accessible areas;

3.       22 of these readers (in red in the list) are accessible 24/7;

4.       All other returning students need to undergo the process.

5.       1st year students do not need to update;

6.       For an optimal student experience we are encouraging students to update as soon as possible once they are back on campus. This will prevent them getting to an electronic door, and being forced to go around the building in order to find a reader before being able to get in the spaces they wish to.

Locations of Key Wall Mounted Card Readers Which Students Can use to Update their Cards

Signposted with ‘Update Your Card Here’ Signage

66 Readers (list below) across campus are highlighted with ‘Update your ID card here’ small posters.

22 readers (marked in bold) are placed on the outside of a building and allow 24/7 updates.

Art Factory:Main Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Bede Island:Front Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Ground Lobby left-hand side
Ground Lobby right-hand side
Campus Centre:Subway side, door adjacent to ATM – External, allows 24hr updates
Open Office 2
Level 1 1st Floor
Leicester Castle:Disabled Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Main Entrance
Clephan Building:CL1.32 Corridor
CL00.16a Studio
Ground floor Lobby left-hand side
Ground floor Lobby right-hand side
Main Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Edith Murphy:Student Services, Lower Ground Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Estates Development Building /Greenhouse:Greenhouse Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Gateway House:GH0.04a CEM Advice Centre
GH6.30 Game Wing Entrance
GH5.50 Main Entrance to Cyber Security
Gateway House Rear (Temporary) Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates, allows 24hr updates
GHZ2.10 West Wing Corridor
GHZ2.30 North Wing Corridor
GH2.50 East Wing
GHZ2.70 South Wing Corridor
GH0.98 Print Centre Entrance
Hawthorn Building:HA00.38a Help Zone
Lower Ground Floor Corridor 2
Lower Ground Floor Corridor 1
Heritage Centre Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Heritage House:Main Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
HH0.01 Ground Floor D/Doors
3rd Floor Lobby
Hugh Aston Building:HU0.41 Front of house reception
Post Graduate Atrium Entrance Internal Ground Floor
Student Advice Corridor, Ground Floor
Post Room Corridor, Ground Floor
HU2.01 Trading
Law Library Entrance
HU2.39 Study Space
HU3.91/92 Study Space
Kimberlin Library:Entrance foyer (past the double doors, across from Reception)
KL00.16 Study Space
Mill Studios:Main Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
PACE Building:Main Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Philip Tasker Building:Internal Black Door
Main Entrance opposite Estates Development Building
Ground Floor Reception Corridor
Portland Building:Prayer Corridor from AV Loans
2nd Floor Trinity House Side
2nd Floor Vijay Patel Side
1st Floor Double Doors
Prayer Room Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Breathing Space Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Queens Building:Main Entrance CTS – External, allows 24hr updates, allows 24hr updates
Fire Exit End Corridor 1st Floor
Disabled Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates, allows 24hr updates
QB3.01 Lab
QB3.02 Lab
The Venue:Main Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Vijay Patel Building:VPB0.50 Student Advice Centre and Reception
POD West Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
VPB0.31 Model Making
North Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
South Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Design Wing Gallery Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
POD East Entrance – External, allows 24hr updates
Gallery to POD